Friday, February 15, 2019

My Report Of SEA-TEACHER Batch 7


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                   NAME                             :  Zakia Yolanda
                   HOME UNIVERSITY  :  Sebelas Maret University
                   HOST UNIVERSITY   :  Technological Insitute of The Philippines(T.I.P)
                   SCHOOL NAME          :  T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School

1. School: General Information and Academic Administration

1.1    School Profile

School Name      : T.I.P Senior High School
School Adress    : 938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City 1109, Philippines
Telp Number     : (+632) 911-0964
Email                  : or
Principal            : Brenda B. Corpuz
President           : Dr. Elizabeth Quirino-Lahoz
School Vission   :
In the year 2020, T.I.P. envisions itself to be:
1.     a leading professional technological institution in the Philippines through
o   outcomes-based education, and
o   a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, and
2.     an institution whose graduates contribute to the welfare of society.

School Mission   :

The Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.) is committed:
1.     to continue to empower the Filipino youth through technological education of the highest standard, employing outcomes-based education and state-of-the-art laboratories
2.     to transform students into graduates with full competence in their fields of study and who also possess:
o   The Filipino values of honesty and integrity, service to others, the importance of family, frugality, resilience in the face of adversity, and the willingness to surmount difficulties in order to succeed and excel.
o   The industry-desired values of positive work attitude, good communication skills, proficiency in computers and in the software that pertain to their fields of study, initiative, and the openness to keep on learning to reinvent themselves.
o   The global citizen values of mindfulness, respect for cultural diversity, care for the environment and the desire to contribute to the general welfare of society.

School Program :
1.     ABM (Accountancy Business and Management)
2.     HUMMS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
3.     STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

School Photos:

1.2 Academic Support System

    T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School has a facility for students to consult if they experience difficulties in the academic with an online development learning outcomes. This school also helps students who want to graduate to choose the right department in continuing their education at T.I.P by holding socialization to classes. Besides that, in order to supporting student academics, T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School has a huge building with five floors and also several supporting facilities which are a huge classroom with Air Conditioner(AC) and mic for each class, Wi-Fi area, physics lab, chemistry lab, computer room, library, study hall, huge main hall, medical center, two basketball field, bookstore, canteen, and others. The school also have an extra-curricular activities such as T.I.P week, when there will be a competitions in various sports, dance, and music for students to explore their hobby and talent.

1.3    Teaching system

     The teaching system at T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School based on K-12 curiculum where the students have a role as the learning center and the teacher is only as a facilitatory or we usually called it as a student-centered learning system. Student-centered learning system will moves students from passive receivers of information to active participants in their own discovery process. The teacher will explain and add the example so then after that the students have to solve their own problem, they also have a group discussion to discussing the topic with each other so they can developing their knowledge about the topic. Besides that T.I.P have a workday from Monday until Friday with one hour duration time per subject. Learning at T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School is also done using English not Filipino language, starting from explaining the material, question and answer activities, even when answering worksheets.

1.4    Materials and other learning sources

In T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School, there are so many material and learning to support students academic. First thing is the teacher will prepared a lesson plan for  teaching in the class based on K-12 curriculum that contained every detail material  for student to achieved. In compiling learning the teacher has sources from English books for every subject or from journals, also some of the teacher used technology to create a learning sources such as a 3D Applications or a simulation games. For the other learning source, the teacher usually give them a worksheet or an online quiz. 

1.5  Measurement and Evaluation System
     Based on the K-12 Curriculum, the goverment of the Philippines has two examination for measurement and evalution. There are a midterm examination and final examination. But besides that, the teacher will give another performance task such a quiz for evaluating every material that was given. It could be a weekly evalution system for the teacher.

1.6  Curriculum
   T.I.P Quezon City Senior City has a curriculum based on K-12 Basic Education Program. This curriculum is derived directly from governments in the Philippines.

1.7 Teaching Plan(Biology Major)
    In biology major, we will prepare our teaching plan to be an active learning and understandable on the conceptual learning goal. The teaching plan consist of giving the material(by Powerpoint and 3D App Simulation) and performance task(Online Quiz)

2. Pedagogical Contents

2.1 Teaching Methods

            The teaching methods for Biology grade 12 in T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School is using expository method. By the expository method, the teacher will prepared the lesson plan for all the lesson and materials to explained clearly to the students, and then the students will be given the task to check their understanding. The teaching method are based on K-12 Curriculum and have a focus on active and conceptual learning goal.

2.2 Learning material and innovation

          There are many material studied in biology, but usually when starting to explain the material, the teacher will start with the most basic material and after that those basic start will be developed towards into more complex material. For the innovation the teacher will load the material in the form of a power point presentation, 3D Application, simulation games related to the material, online quiz and so on. So, students will find it easier to understand a complex biological material.

2.3 Sources of Learning and Technology
           The teacher said that teaching resources or materials obtained, can come from major biology books such as Campbell, Kimball and so on, or can be sourced from journals. Sometimes it can also take examples from student's environments or daily lives. The technology used in biological learning can be simulated through power point slides, 3D applications, and simulation games about the material to be studied.

2.4 Authentic Assasment

           The assessment that the teacher uses are the write assessment. It can be in the form of multiple choice, essay, overlapping paragraphs, worksheet observed objects, true or false, making diagrams, and drawing biology objects.

3. Teaching Plan

3.1 Curriculum

T.I.P Quezon City Senior City has a curriculum based on K-12 Basic Education Program. This curriculum is derived directly from governments in the Philippines. So the teacher gonna used, this K12 curriculum has aims to enhance learners’ basic skills, produce more competent citizens, and prepare graduates for lifelong learning and employment. To achieved all of it then the teacher needs to set a learning objectives that cover all domains such as cognitive, affective, and psychomotor in the teaching plan. The teacher will adapt an active learning with games and assignments that lead to these three aspects.

3.2 Teaching Plan (Biology)

Before teaching, the teacher in T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School have to make a teaching plan/lesson plan. Teaching plan in this school are includes the goal, its about what the students are supposed to learn, method about how to reach the goal, and assesmet task to measuring the goal by test, worksheet, or homework. In Biology, we have to arrange learning that focused on the concept. The fact that biology has many concepts that need to be understood, then in the teaching plan, the design must be gradual from the simple to the specific and focus on just one discussion so that students can remember and study the concept well. The lesson plan start with learning competencies, the content, teaching-learning activities, and assesment task. The mentor also help the student teacher to make their lesson plan and  give them a suggestions.

4. Teaching Practice

4.1    Procedures of teaching

My mentor teacher, Mr. RS, gave me the opportunity to teach in 12SHS STEM A13, 12 SHS STEM A12, and 12 SHS STEM A14. Before teaching Mr. RS has given me an example of a lesson plan to learn, after that I prepared my lesson plan and power point for preparation for teaching. Before teaching, I also did not forget to consult material, lesson plans, powerpoint slides, and performance tasks to Mr. RS. He gave me many suggestions for perfecting everything before teaching. then on the day, I practiced all the dilesson plans about the "circulatory system", I started with quizzes, the definitions, parts of the heart, and circulation mechanisms and ended with online quizzes that were done with the group. and then after all I revised and improved my teaching from the comments of my cooperative teacher for the next class.

4.2     Time management and organizing activities

For the time management, since I only have one hour to teach then i was divided into three sections. The first section was opening activity, then the second time was the main activity, and for the last one was closing activity. Time allocation for the learning in the class by 3 part. First was an opening activity, second was the main activity, and the last was the closing activity. 

The opening activities are filled with greetings, motivation, and learning goals. Since I had to teach 'circulatory system' then the main activities started with the definition of circulatory itself, and focusing on the structure of hearts, and then after that the mechanism of circulatory in human body. For the closing activities, we had a games, its an online quiz by groups also we had a reflection and greeting in the end.

4.3     Problem-solving

The students in the class are very active and tend to have great curiosity, therefore the teacher must have the right strategy in dealing with it, one of the ways I do that is by giving them motivational activities at the beginning of learning, for example with "fun fact of the heart" . this is useful to add to their curiosity, besides that, providing explanations using 3d applications in studying the heart can also make students understand and excited, as well as giving videos. Not only those strategies, but in exploring students' abilities, I also asked a bunch of questions about the material and then I gave the students to think and explain or giving an example about it so that students can develop their abilities.

4.4     Classroom management

The students in T.I.P Quezon City Senior High School tend to have a large number of around 50 students per class, therefore in class management, the first thing that must be considered is having a loud voice, besides that when the atmosphere starts to noisy, I must be able to restore the atmosphere to calm down by giving them understanding.

5. Summary and Suggestions

5.1     Purposes of practicum

Pre-Service Students Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia by SEAMEO have a purpose to the student teacher for prepared and improve their ability to be a good teacher, this program is a good start to develop teaching skills, pedagogical content and also to their English skills. Beside that the student teacher also have a chance to compare an education in a different country in Asia to gain a broader regional and world view.

5.2     Procedures of practicum

Pre-Service Students Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia by SEAMEO have a practicum period for one month.  For one month, the host universy will provide a mentor to supervise and monitor the student teacher throughout all the practicum period. The students can learn the teaching strategies from the first week of teacher observation. Then for the second week is being a teacher assistant. The third week, student teacher will have their own teaching practice and the fourth week is the demonstration, and we have an evaluation and reflection.  

5.3     Outcomes of practicum

I got so much softskill in this pre-service student teacher exchange program. The softskill that i got is such as the ability to manage and organize large numbers of students in class, learn to have a great attitudes and professional skill as a teacher, improve my English, learn about the culture of the Philippines, and can experience real teaching also open my mind in a global world.

5.4     The challenges of practicum

The challenge is where I want to deliver the material I want to convey, I have to choose the right strategy so that my students can understand what I teach. Especially students in TIP have a lot of numbers, and although the second language in Philippines is English, there are still many students who are not very fluent in English. so that I must have a great voice and easy to understand learning for example by giving a lot of 3D images or videos that are easy to understand.

5.5     Overall impression

For me, this pre-service student teacher exchange program is the best project for any student teachers out there who want to learn how to be a great teacher. This program had tought me a lot of happiness and experience to be a great teacher and also I learned so uch about the cultre of the other country like Philippines. This program can make me meet many great people who make me learn a lot and really open my mind

5.6     Suggestions for future improvement

In my opinion this program is very useful to add experience to prospective teachers, I hope this program will continue. My suggestions is maybe this program can add a little bit more time for student teacher to explore more things, because I think one month is not enough. 


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